Can I Eat Tajín While Pregnant? Yes, But Be Careful

Pregnancy Cravings: Is Tajín Safe? Pregnancy can make you think about many things. Some things that used to be easy or done without much thought suddenly become harder or, even worse, potentially harmful to you and your baby. Smoking cigarettes, eating certain foods or lifting and carrying a certain amount of weight at any given … Read more

Can You Eat Salsa While Being Pregnant?

Can you eat salsa while being pregnant?

Pregnancy is a time of great change, both physically and emotionally. Every decision you make can impact your unborn child, including your diet. It’s common for pregnant women to crave junk food, even if they don’t normally eat it. This is because your body is going through a lot of changes and needs extra nutrients. … Read more

Is It Safe To Eat Cornstarch While Pregnant?

Many first-time mothers ask, “Is it safe to eat cornstarch during pregnancy?” It’s a common question among pregnant women. The answer is no. Eating raw cornstarch can put your health at risk during pregnancy. However, if cooked, eating cornstarch while pregnant is generally safe and has no known negative effects if consumed in moderation. Excessive … Read more