Why Does My Baby Grab My Face When Falling Asleep?

Why Do Babies Pinch Their Parents When They Sleep?

Babies are adorable, but sometimes they can do things that make us wonder what they are thinking. One of these things is pinching their parents when they are falling asleep. If you have experienced this, you might be curious about why your baby does this and how you can stop it.

In this article, we will explore some possible reasons and solutions for this behaviour.

Possible Reasons for Pinching When Sleep

Possible Reasons for Pinching When Sleep
Source: Freepik.com

Babies pinch for different reasons, depending on their age, personality, and needs. Here are some common ones:

  • Communication

Babies have limited ways of expressing themselves, so they use their hands to get your attention or tell you something. For example, they might pinch you to say that they are hungry, thirsty, or need a diaper change.

  • Self-Soothing

Babies often need some physical stimulation to help them relax and fall asleep. Pinching you might be a way for them to release some tension and feel more comfortable.

  • Exploration

Babies are curious about the world and want to learn more about it. Pinching you might be a way for them to explore your skin, your reactions, and your emotions.

  • Frustration

Babies can get frustrated or angry when they don’t get what they want or when they are overstimulated. Pinching you might be a way for them to vent their feelings and cope with stress.

  • Teething

Babies can experience pain and discomfort when their teeth are coming in. Pinching you might be a way for them to distract themselves from the pain or to massage their gums.

  • Tiredness

Babies can get cranky and restless when they are tired. Pinching you might be a way for them to keep themselves awake or to signal that they are ready for bed.

  • Separation Anxiety

Babies can develop a fear of being separated from their parents or caregivers. Pinching you might be a way for them to hold on to you and feel more secure.

In our recent article, we covered the topic of Help! My Baby Gags on Pacifier!-7 Possible Reasons + What To Do

Possible Solutions for Pinching

Possible Solutions for Pinching
Source: freepik.com

Pinching can be annoying and painful, but it is usually a normal and harmless behavior that babies outgrow as they develop. However, if you want to stop or reduce the pinching, here are some things you can try:

  • Provide Enough Attention

Make sure your baby feels loved and cared for. Spend quality time with them, play with them, talk to them, and cuddle them. This will help them feel more satisfied and less needy.

  • Establish a Routine

Having a consistent and predictable sleep routine can help your baby calm down and prepare for sleep. Follow the same steps every night, such as bathing, reading, singing, or rocking. This will help them associate these cues with sleep and reduce their need for pinching.

  • Distract and Divert

When your baby starts pinching, gently hold their hand or offer them something else to hold, such as a toy, a pacifier, or a blanket. This will help them redirect their attention and energy to something more appropriate.

  • Stay Calm and Patient:

Do not react with shock or anger when your baby pinches. This might encourage them to do it more or make them feel scared or guilty. Instead, say a firm but gentle “no” and explain that pinching hurts. Praise them when they stop or when they use their hands nicely.

  • Provide Alternatives:

Teach your baby other ways of expressing themselves or soothing themselves, such as using words, gestures, or hugs. Show them how to be gentle and respectful with others. Model the behavior you want them to follow.


Babies pinch their parents when they sleep for various reasons, such as communication, self-soothing, exploration, frustration, teething, tiredness, or separation anxiety. Pinching is usually a normal and temporary behaviour that does not indicate any serious problems.

However, if you want to stop or reduce the pinching, you can try to provide enough attention, establish a routine, distract and divert, stay calm and patient, and provide alternatives.

By understanding and addressing your baby’s needs, you can help them sleep better and have a more peaceful and enjoyable bedtime.

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