Starting a sentence with adjectives that start with E is an excellent way to make your writing more engaging and descriptive. This comprehensive list of adjectives will help you find the perfect words to describe people, emotions, situations, and more.
Popular Adjectives that Commence with E
Adjectives are descriptive words that bring writing to life. When used properly, they help create vivid mental images for the reader. Many common, everyday adjectives start with the letter E.
Here are popular examples:
- Easy: doesn’t require a lot of effort
- Eager: excited and enthusiastic about something
- Early: happening near the beginning of a period of time
- Earnest: serious about something and sincere
- Earthy: basic, natural, and unsophisticated
- Easygoing: relaxed and casual in attitude
- Eerie: strange, mysterious, and frightening
- Efficient: working productively with minimum waste
- Elaborate: complex, detailed, and ornate
- Elderly: of old age
- Edgy: tense, nervous, or intense
- Educated: learned and knowledgeable
- Effusive: overflowing with enthusiasm or emotion
- Egalitarian: believing in or promoting full social equality
- Elastic: able to resume an original shape after being stretched
- Elated: very happy, pleased, or jubilant
- Elderly: old or aging
- Elegant: graceful and stylish in appearance or behavior
- Elementary: basic, foundational, or introductory
- Elfin: small, delicate, and elf-like in appearance
- Eligible: qualified to be chosen or selected
- Eloquent: fluent, articulate, and moving in speech
- Else: different or distinct from something already mentioned
- Emaciated: abnormally thin and weak, often from starvation
- Emancipated: freed from social or legal restrictions
Descriptive Adjectives Commencing with E
Descriptive adjectives provide specific details to engage readers’ senses and help them picture what is being described.
Here are adjectives starting with E that will boost your descriptive writing skills:
- Ethereal: delicate, light, and airy
- Exhausted: completely tired out
- Enraged: extremely angry
- Esteemed: respected and admired
- Effervescent: bubbly, lively, and enthusiastic
- Elated: very happy, pleased, or jubilant
- Elderly: old or aging
- Elegant: graceful and stylish in appearance or behavior
- Elementary: basic, foundational, or introductory
- Elfin: small, delicate, and elf-like in appearance
- Eligible: qualified to be chosen or selected
- Eloquent: fluent, articulate, and moving in speech
- Else: different or distinct from something already mentioned
- Emaciated: abnormally thin and weak, often from starvation
- Emancipated: freed from social or legal restrictions
Positive Adjectives that Commence with E
When you need an uplifting, affirmative adjective, consider these positive E words:
- Ecstatic: extremely happy and excited
Earnest: serious and sincere
Ebullient: cheerful and full of lively energy
Elegant: graceful and stylish
Eloquent: expressive and articulate
Empowered: given authority or power
Enchanted: delighted, charmed, or enraptured
Enduring: lasting, permanent, and timeless
Energetic: active, lively, and vigorous
Engaged: attracted, interested, and focused
Negative Adjectives that Commence with E
Sometimes you need to describe something negatively. Here are negative adjectives starting with E:
- Embarrassed: self-conscious, ashamed, and uncomfortable
- Envious: resentful of someone’s possessions or advantages
- Exhausting: draining, tiring, and stressful
- Excruciating: extremely painful or agonizing
- Egocentric: self-obsessed and concerned only with oneself
- Embittered: resentful, cynical, and unhappy
- Embarrassed: self-conscious, ashamed, uncomfortable
- Emotional: relating to or prompted by feelings
- Empty: containing nothing, unfilled
- Enraged: extremely angry, furious
Adjectives That Start with ‘Ec’
Here are adjectives starting with ec-:
- Eccentric: unconventional, quirky, and odd
- Ecstatic: extremely excited and happy
- Ecological: related to the environment and ecosystems
- Economical: avoiding waste and not costing a lot of money
- Ecumenical: promoting worldwide Christian unity and cooperation
- Eclectic: varied or diverse in style
- Ecliptic: relating to the sun’s path around the earth
- Echoic: of, relating to, or characterized by an echo
- Ectoplasmic: relating to a supernatural viscous substance
- Ecophageal: relating to the esophagus
Adjectives That Start with ‘Em’
adjectives starting with em-:
- Embedded: fixed firmly in a surrounding mass
- Embered: glowing, fiery, or smouldering
- Eminent: famous, renowned, and distinguished
- Emotional: relating to or prompted by feelings
- Empirical: based on observation and experimentation
- Emaciated: abnormally thin, weak, and feeble
- Emancipated: liberated from social, legal, or political restrictions
- Emboldened: instilled with courage and confidence
- Emollient: having a softening or soothing effect
- Empathetic: showing understanding and compassion for others’ feelings
Discover captivating, creative, and charming Adjectives that Start with D
Full List of 100+ Adjectives Starting with E
Here is an extended list of over 100 adjectives that start with E:
Adjectives | Synonyms |
1. Eager | Enthusiastic, Keen |
2. Early | Timely, Punctual |
3. Earnest | Sincere, Serious |
4. Earthy | Rustic, Natural |
5. Easy | Simple, Effortless |
6. Easygoing | Relaxed, Casual |
7. Ebullient | Cheerful, Jubilant |
8. Eccentric | Quirky, Unconventional |
9. Ecological | Environmental, Green |
10. Economical | Thrifty, Budget-friendly |
11. Ecstatic | Euphoric, Thrilled |
12. Ecumenical | Universal, All-encompassing |
13. Eclectic | Diverse, Varied |
14. Ecliptic | Orbital, Elliptic |
15. Echoic | Resonant, Reverberating |
16. Ectoplasmic | Supernatural, Spiritual |
17. Ecophageal | Esophageal, Digestive |
18. Edgy | Nervous, Tense |
19. Educated | Learned, Knowledgeable |
20. Effusive | Enthusiastic, Overflowing |
21. Egalitarian | Equal, Impartial |
22. Elastic | Flexible, Stretchy |
23. Elated | Jubilant, Thrilled |
24. Elderly | Aged, Senior |
25. Elegant | Graceful, Stylish |
26. Elementary | Basic, Primary |
27. Elfin | Petite, Pixie-like |
28. Eligible | Qualified, Suitable |
29. Eloquent | Articulate, Well-spoken |
30. Else | Otherwise, Different |
31. Emaciated | Thin, Gaunt |
32. Emancipated | Liberated, Freed |
33. Emboldened | Empowered, Emboldened |
34. Embossed | Raised, Textured |
35. Embroidered | Decorated, Adorned |
36. Embered | Fiery, Glowing |
37. Eminent | Renowned, Distinguished |
38. Emo | Brooding, Angsty |
39. Emotional | Sentimental, Passionate |
40. Empathetic | Compassionate, Understanding |
41. Empirical | Experimental, Evidence-based |
42. Empty | Blank, Vacant |
43. Enchanted | Charmed, Bewitched |
44. Endearing | Charming, Sweet |
45. Enduring | Lasting, Permanent |
46. Energetic | Lively, Dynamic |
47. Enervated | Weakened, Fatigued |
48. Engaged | Absorbed, Captivated |
49. Engaging | Captivating, Charming |
50. Engorged | Swollen, Inflamed |
51. Enigmatic | Mysterious, Cryptic |
52. Enjoyable | Pleasing, Gratifying |
53. Enlightened | Wise, Discerning |
54. Enormous | Massive, Immense |
55. Enraged | Furious, Incensed |
56. Enraptured | Spellbound, Entranced |
57. Enriched | Enhanced, Fortified |
58. Enslaved | Subjugated, Oppressed |
59. Entertaining | Engaging, Amusing |
60. Enthralled | Rapt, Fascinated |
61. Enthusiastic | Eager, Passionate |
62. Entitled | Privileged, Allowed |
63. Enviable | Desirable, Coveted |
64. Envious | Jealous, Resentful |
65. Epic | Legendary, Momentous |
66. Ephemeral | Fleeting, Transient |
67. Equestrian | Horsy, Equine |
68. Equal | Same, Identical |
69. Equatorial | Tropical, Torrid |
70. Erotic | Sensual, Titillating |
71. Erratic | Unpredictable, Variable |
72. Ethereal | Delicate, Airy |
73. Ethical | Moral, Principled |
74. Euphoric | Blissful, Joyful |
75. Evocative | Provocative, Stirring |
76. Exacting | Demanding, Precise |
77. Exasperated | Frustrated, Irritated |
78. Excellent | Superb, Exceptional |
79. Exciting | Thrilling, Arousing |
80. Exclusive | Restricted, Private |
81. Excruciating | Agonizing, Torturous |
82. Exhausted | Drained, Weary |
83. Exhilarated | Elated, Jubilant |
84. Exorbitant | Steep, Extreme |
85. Exotic | Foreign, Unfamiliar |
86. Expansive | Spacious, Vast |
87. Experienced | Skilled, Seasoned |
88. Expert | Masterful, Proficient |
89. Exquisite | Sublime, Superb |
90. Expressive | Articulate, Meaningful |
91. Exuberant | Vivacious, Euphoric |
92. Exultant | Triumphant, Victorious |
93. Exaggerated | Overstated, Overblown |
94. Exasperating | Frustrating, Annoying |
95. Excruciating | Torturous, Agonizing |
96. Exhausting | Tiring, Fatiguing |
97. Exorbitant | Excessive, Costly |
98. Expensive | High-priced, Costly |
99. Extraordinary | Remarkable, Spectacular |
100. Extreme | Radical, Severe |
Final Thoughts
Whether you need to describe people, places, emotions, situations, or more, this exhaustive list of adjectives that start with E provides plenty of options. Use these descriptive words to create vivid images and boost the impact of your writing. Just be sure to use them judiciously and in the proper context. With the right adjectives, your writing can become much more engaging, persuasive, and memorable.
Read Next: Boost Your Vocabulary with Colorful Adjectives that Start with C!
Amanda – Mom of 2 girls. Portland writer & founder of Sharing parenting tips, family fun & solidarity on the motherhood journey.